Family Service

We are empowering generations

To facilitate the achievements of our mission; our services are in different categories to allow for an effective and broad reach; we invite you to take a few minutes to read through.

Building stable home and family back ends are fundamental to Trans-generational values and wealth transference. The family legacy program is designed for family heads and leaders to equip them with the relevant skills and strategies needed to lead the family with vision, value transfer plans, business and life succession plans. It also highlights processes that with help position the family systems for a healthy and happy experience.
This training is designed specifically for domestic staff hired to work and interact with the child at home e.g. home tutor, nanny, minder etc.

The parent support program is a 5 week training and support circle during which time we help the participants understand the science of child development to enable them better recognise, understand and support the children and young adults in the family; thereby reducing and hopefully eliminating childhood traumas and or adverse experiences and where it occurs or already has occurred; this program equips participants on how to provide necessary love and support to guide back into normalization of the individual.

Working closely with the family leadership; this service ensures child protection and safety around the entire house ensuring the child and teen is able to function more independently without safety hazards thereby improving the problem solving skills of the child as well as ensuring the overall effectiveness and stability of home experiences for both the young child and adults. It is a favorite in households with babies and growing children.
Created from high request for domestic support from our clients this service is designed to help manage all domestic affairs of the home; catering, deep cleaning, laundry, weekend childcare sleepovers, travel support e.t.c.
This is a training course designed to educate your domestic staff team on how to ensure they provide needed and relevant support to the family irrespective of their role in the household; modules includes but not limited to health and safety, behavior management, values and value transference e.t.c. It is a great opportunity for household staff to align to the vision of the home and family vision and leadership to ensure the home is a favorable environment for grooming children and leading successful and peaceful lives.
This is a favorite among busy family leaders; with the increased concern in child safety, protection and exposure coupled with the now neglected yet important need for children to have healthy social interactions with peers and others; this service is specially designed to meet the need of the family leadership to allow for healthy and safe play times under the free yet guided and watchful eyes of our team. We create opportunities for the children and teens to have group social interactions which is fun outside the home thus creating an opportunity for growth and life learning and balance.

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